Training & Education

Building the Field

Training and Supporting Injury Scientists

Develop the next leaders in injury and violence prevention research, for successful careers and lasting positive impacts on local and national communities.

Postdoctoral Fellowships

1-2 year postdoctoral research fellowships that focus on scientific training and career development. Fellows receive senior mentorship and close peer collaboration in a rich scientific environment with faculty and fellows across disciplines including public health, engineering, nursing, criminology, social policy, and psychology.

Trainee Learning Lab

A discussion & training forum for undergraduate and graduate trainees, including research staff, research assistants, capstone mentees, and those with a keen interest in the field of injury science. Trainees meet virtually, on a monthly basis, to discuss and interpret peer-reviewed injury and violence research articles. Authors and co-authors attend sessions to discuss their work and respond to questions. Trainees join from across Penn’s campus, and across the nation with the support of fellow CDC Injury Control Research Centers.

Tailored Programming for All Levels of Trainees

From high school to post-doctorate, the Penn Injury Science Center’s Training & Education Core offers a variety of programming to grow the field of injury and violence prevention professionals and scientists. Internships, summer research experiences, and brown bag series are just a few of our offerings. Reach out to learn what opportunities we can provide for you.

Coursework, Training Materials, & Mentorship

Infuse practices of actionable injury science in courses, educational materials, and mentorship training at Penn and the larger academic community.

Courses & Certificates

The Penn Injury Science Center and its affiliated scholars lead formal education courses, both in-person and online, for students, professionals, clinicians, and more.

Trainings, Workshops, & Educational Materials

Trainings, workshops, and educational materials on a variety of topics – grant writing, dissemination, implementation science, behavioral science, and more – are available. Sign up for our newsletter to receive announcements, visit the resource library, or make an inquiry.

Mentorship & Mentor Training

Mentorship is a cornerstone of professional success. The Penn Injury Science Center helps build better mentors and makes connections between mentors and mentees. Whether you are a mentor or mentee, reach out to see how we can support your goals and growth.

Connection & Capacity Building

Bring together experts and learners across sectors and disciplines to increase knowledge and application of injury science; beyond academia, to community, government, philanthropic, and private sectors.

Scholarly Forums

Scholarly Forums are open to the public and focus on interdisciplinarity of injury science and new ideas for research that address the social and structural determinants of injury and violence. Forum summaries and supporting resources are added to the resource library. Sign up for the newsletter to receive event announcements.

Continuing Education and Trainee Outreach

Bringing researchers, educators, clinicians, and practitioners together to build capacity and translate injury science into practice through professional development and continuing education programs for clinical staff. We also help place trainees and early-stage investigators in partner institutions for service and research experiences to strengthen the research-to-practice and research-to-policy pipelines.

Multi-Sector Marketing & Communications

By giving scientists the tools and skills to better communicate their findings to the public and to other sectors, we promote the translation of injury science into policy and practice. We then bring those findings, materials, and resources to you in approachable and interactive formats.

Trainee & Early-Stage Faculty Pilot Grant Program

The Penn Injury Science Center (PISC) has annual calls through our Trainee & Early-Stage Faculty Pilot Grant Program to stimulate ideas among early-stage investigators. This program supports trainees in conducting a rigorous study that will help build a solid program of research and ultimately to support the award of extramural funding. Priority will be given to applications that include a topic that is synchronous with the mission of PISC, includes a community co-investigator, and best fits with the call’s topics of interest.