Gun Violence and its Impact on Healthcare

In the United States, there are over 100 gun deaths each day and about 38,000 each year. Despite the number of deaths, lingering health impacts from gunshot wounds, and the psychological impact a gun death or injury can have on a household or community, gun violence...
Reality Check – WURD Radio segment – ft. Dr. Trina Kumodzi

Reality Check – WURD Radio segment – ft. Dr. Trina Kumodzi

Trina Kumodzi from Penn Nursing, joined Charles Ellison to discuss a first-of-its-kind study from Penn Nursing and the Penn Injury Science Center has assessed the performance of two predictive screeners to determine their performance in a population heavily impacted...
Rodney Babb Joins Prestigious CVI Leadership Academy

Rodney Babb Joins Prestigious CVI Leadership Academy

Rodney Babb, lead violence recovery specialist for the Penn Trauma Violence Recovery Program, has been accepted into the Community Violence Intervention Leadership Academy. This unique program out of the Harris School of Public Policy at the University of Chicago...