Visual Abstract: Return-to-sport and return-to-academics after concussion
An analysis from the Ivy League – Big Ten Epidemiology of Concussion Study found that there were three common “profiles” observed in the collegiate athletes following return-to-sport and return-to-academic protocol. The profiles were distinct from one another in terms...
A spotlight on the 2023-24 Trainee Learning Lab
The Penn Injury Science Center (PISC) is proud to spotlight the latest cohort of its Trainee Learning Lab (TLL). This dynamic program and CDC Success Story continues to advance the field of injury and violence prevention by fostering a collaborative and insightful...
Structural Disease
Elinore Kaufman recently spoke with Penn LDI about addressing firearm injury at the source. “As a trauma surgeon, I pride myself on fixing problems, and at Penn, we provide state-of-the-art acute care to our injured patients; including 80 people actively enrolled in...
HVIP Satisfaction
Rachel Myers, Joel Fein, and a team from Center for Injury Research and Prevention and Center for Violence Prevention modified an existing questionnaire for relevance to CHOP’S Hospital-based Violence Intervention Program (HVIP) to routinely assess client...
Meeting Needs
Elinore Kaufman and the Penn Trauma Violence Recovery Program have added psychologists to their team to meet mental health needs after violent injury. “Our patients are seeking care and we’re able to meet that need directly with no barriers. No financial barriers, no...
Religiosity & mental health seeking behaviors among U.S. adults
Cassis Boateng of the School of Nursing and colleagues assessed how religiosity relates to health seeking behaviors for mental health in a recent publication. Related to the topic of religiosity, Cassis presented at SAVIR 2023 about the role of spirituality in firearm...
Khalif Mujahid Ali’s legacy
A powerful voice in the violence prevention world of Philadelphia was lost with the recent passing of Khalif Mujahid Ali. The Penn Community Violence Prevention team aims to carry on the legacy of one of its founding members and Khalif’s longtime partners look...
Low-pill opioid prescriptions increase with feedback intervention, but disparities persist
A study from Kit Delgado and colleagues demonstrates that combined individual audit and peer comparison feedback can increase the frequency of low-pill opioid prescriptions in the emergency department. However, the intervention does not affect prescribing disparities...